Thursday, 9:00 AM - 5:25 PM: Worked. Not sure on what because I was pretty excited all day but I busied myself with something!
Thursday, 5:35 PM: Mike calls to tell me something about taxes and the house. Began driving back to PetSmart while on the phone with him but he didn't seem to catch on...the surprise early arrival is sort of going as planned.
Thursday, 6:10 PM: Picked up Sedona at the PetSmart Hotel. She had a great day according to her report card.
Thursday, 8:10 PM: Mike calls to chat. I told him I had just left the office in The Springs and was headed home. All the while, praying Sedona didn't get up and make noise as that would give me away.
Thursday 9:45 PM: Mike calls to chat again. I told him I was on a Wal-mart run. Short conversation as I told him I was almost home and needed to finish packing and go to bed. He thinks I have to work until noon tomorrow...
Thursday, 11:30 PM: Check into the Super 8 Motel in Hays, Kansas...oh joy.
Friday, 8:45 AM: Wake up and realize my alarm did not go off. Throw everything in the suitcase, load up the car and head East.
Friday, 11:45 AM: Stopped at QT to get a Freezoni.
Friday, 12:00 PM: Called Mike and asked what he was doing. He said he had a hard time sleeping and was just sitting in his chair.
Friday, 12:02 PM: Asked Mike if he would like to join me outside for a smoke. Boy was he surprised!
The rest is a blur. We got haircuts, we went to a graduation, we went fishing, we spent time together. Quality as quantity is short!
Sunday AM to PM: drove back to Denver. Boring...
I miss you Mikey!
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