So last night the team went to a Diamond Backs baseball game here in Phoenix at Chase Stadium downtown. I must say that going to a game between two teams that you really don't care about isn't that exciting. But hanging out with friends and being silly is defintely a great time. I have some VERY entertaining photos of everyone to share. Hopefully I don't get fired for posting them...

Jon posing for his life-size poster cutout!

The D-backs take the field. We sat in the outfield bleachers...great place to catch a home run...

Doug and Jon share some jalepeno sunflower seeds...

Jon looks like he is up to something...

Chris and Brent pose for the camera in TGIFriday's Front Row.

Jon giving his old man look.
I can't tell you for sure whether the Diamond Backs or the Pittsburgh Pirates won (the Pirates were leading at the bottom of the ninth) but we had a great time and that's all that matters!
I have to answer a question for class so I have to, I'm watching a show on the Chiefs training camp which is much more interesting then blogging right now...
Tell Chris I said hello!!
Hey I was going to call you about that show on HBO. It is a series looks pretty cool. Too bad you are too cheap for satelite at home so you could watch it all the time.
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