Hello from sunny Arizona! Yes, I am in the great city of Phoenix for work again...no complaints here! The day started on the golf course (
www.clubwestgolf.com) for a work function (have I told you I love my job??). It was fabulous - even though I don't golf. I simply rode around on the cart with a team and made sure the flag was taken down and put up when necessary. What's great is that the team I was riding around with ended up winning the tournement with a 14 under...I didn't reap any benefits of the win but I can at least use the story, right?? I got some great shots with the camera of course:

After golfing, I left so I could take one of the guys I work with to a spring training baseball game for his birthday. Lucky us we were able to sit in Phoenix traffic for over an hour only to get to the stadium to discover the game was sold out. We were just a little annoyed so we decided skip the baseball, go straight to the beer! I dropped him off at the office since pretty much his day was a bust and headed back to the hotel. While sitting in my room with plenty of sun still left in the day, I decided I would go to the South Mountain and do a little caching (
www.geocaching.com). What a beautiful decision that was! I got up to the top and found the prize in short order so that I still had plenty of time to play before it got dark. I was able to see some great views overlooking the city and then a fantastic sunset before heading back down into the valley:

I only had about 2 hours up there so I have every intention of going back up there when I have an entire day to devote to hiking and checking out the area. I have no doubt it would be beautiful.
So, this is where the title of this post comes from. I was outside from 7:00 AM to about 7:00 PM. Today, Phoenix posted record highs of almost 100 degrees - very unusual for this time of year. I haven't been in the tanning bed for almost 2 months now and that sort of intense sun for at least 6 months...so you can imagine what color my skin is! I have photos of what I look like but you can't really see the fact that I am burnt - too dark:
However - the photo still cracks me up...it's tough to take pictures like this on your own you know!
Anyway, I head back home tomorrow. I hear it is only suppose to be 44 degrees there tomorrow...I'm going to freeze my little buns off! For now, I am going to go outside and enjoy a little more of the Phoenix weather...