The normal Chiefs Home Game Sunday routine today - except we didn't have to actually work today. Long story short but we got our tickets today without having to work. So we were able to actually tailgate. With the exception of a little wind and the temperatures dropping from the mid 60's to the mid 30's by game time, we had a blast! We had a nice canopy tent that really helped to block the wind for us. We should have known the game was going to be a bust (The Chiefs lost to the Chargers) when the gril wouldn't work. We didn't let that get us down having a great time though. A few photos for your viewing pleasure:

Mike getting out of the cold into the tent

Willie was the only one that had to work - we made sure to keep him company from inside the tent!

Holding up the tent to keep it from blowing away!

Steph shows off her Santa hat...with her stocking cap on underneath.
We had a great time but now I think I am going to take a little nap!
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