Tuesday, September 11, 2007

It isn't over after all...

So a girl at work is selling her dining room set she bought from Pottery Barn because she is moving to Portland, OR. She bought the set 6 months ago brand new for $1300. I'm not paying nearly that amount. Anywho...I went over there to get some pictures of it to show Mike. When I got home to download the photos, I discovered a few more from the vacation. You know I have to share!!

I knew there was another sunset photo!

Topos is patiently waiting for us to pack up and get out. He can't handle being on this chain any longer!

Mike is the best tent folder I have ever met. He makes sure that everything is cleaned off and folded perfectly!

It always amazes me that we get everything back in the truck after we have drug it all out!

Close to where we had lunch the final day - a one-lane wooden bridge. I have a video of driving across it. You should see Sedona when we do it...another post perhaps??
The dogs are hanging out during our lunch stop. They were very happy for the shade; they were pretty beat by the end of the day!
A view of Truman Lake from the visitor's center bluff top. Worth the stop if you are ever near Warsaw, MO.

An eagle catches a fish in the visitor's center at Truman Lake. If not for all the windows...you might think it was real.
That's it. I better get onto some homework around here...

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