This year my sister-in-law Jeri's celebrated her 30th birthday. Eric decided about a month ago that he wanted to surprise her and throw a big party. The event was planned to be held at their house in Grand Island on Friday evening. Now, how exactly to you plan a party for someone at thier own house? He and one of his friends had set up a movie night where a few (4 or 5) of their friends would come over to the house, they would have a big cookout, and then they would watch a couple of movies. Eric and Jeri spent the few days leading up to the party cleaning up the house and preparing salads for the meal. (Nothing like preparing for your own surprise party that you have no idea about). Their friends were all scheduled to show up at 6:00 while everyone else was to begin showing up around 7:00. Eric's original plan was to just have everyone come into the house and she would eventually figure out that something was going on. However, people started showing up just before 7 and hanging out in the garage. So the goal was to try and keep it a complete surprise as everyone waited for the big moment when she would come out. The cake (which was scheduled to show up at 7:00) finally made it at about 7:15 (the guy making it forgot about the party - luckily it was already made and he lives very close!). By this time, there are 30 people standing in their garage waiting for them to bring out the birthday girl. I have no idea how he pulled it off, but she had no clue there was anyone (other than Eric and his friend) out in the garage. Needless to say, when she walked out, she was surprised! It was fun to see the look on her face - especially since she didn't know. We hung out for the rest of the evening eating, playing games, and sitting by the fire. A good time was had by all.
I have some photos from the weekend (surprisingly enough, none from the party itself):
Daddy and Ella outside just before naptime on Saturday.
Mommy and Ella eating dinner Saturday evening; leftovers from the party.
Grandma and Ella looking out the glass doors. She wanted to come outside but it was getting a little to cold.
Dad and I being silly!
Aunt Jen and Ella looking out at Uncle Mike.
We just got home a while ago and I still want to get some photos uploaded so I will continue this story tomorrow night and have some videos to share!
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