This past Sunday, my dad shot in an archery tournement in Grand Island, NE while we were there visiting for my sister-in-law's birthday party. We decided we would tag along for a while and cheer him on. My dad has been shooting a bow in leagues and tournements as long as I can remember. Every fall you can find him in a tree stand hunting deer. In the winter and summer he is shooting in leagues and occassionally tournements. I remember having shelves of trophies in the living room (that sucked dusting) that he had won through the years. He's a little older now but he still enjoys it and wins quite often in his division (something about senior free style something or other). This particular Sunday was an outdoor tournement with three rounds; we were around for the field and hunter rounds. He shot with Jim Jepson (a competitor for many years) and Ericka Anschutz (who is a professional archer who has a goal of trying out for the 2010 Olympics It was so much fun watching the three of them and I know they were enjoying themselves which is the most important part! Ericka had no problem cleaning house in her division (she shot a 279 out of 280). Neither one of the guys even attempted to compete with her. Between the two of them, however, there was a friendly little competition going...
Here are some photos from the day:
Dad pulling back to shoot.
The target looks so far away...
Just like he is hunting without all the snow...
Of course you know I had to shoot some video to document the actual process.
In this video, you will watch Dad shoot a couple of shots:
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