On Monday night, the Lake's came to town (Jeannine is here for work; Dan for pleasure) and a group of us decided we would go out to dinner. Being the organizer that I am, I formulated a plan for everyone (Janice, Holly, Amber, Jeannine, Mike, and I) to meet at the Margarita's on Southwest Traffic Way because it is centrally located for us all. Holly backed out in the middle of the afternoon (something about a dinner with her husband or something...). Amber was on her way down with her little one but had to turn around (terrible two's...that's all I'm going to say). So it was down to Janice, Mike, and I meeting Jeannine at the restaurant. We arrived and I sent a text to Jeannine, who replied that she was already on her second Margarita. Funny thing was, she wasn't at the bar as she said she was. Let me tell you something people, there are four Margarita locations in this city. She WASN'T at the one we were at. The organizer forgot to mention to the visiting family where we were planning on going so she went to the location she normally goes to. OOPS! Oh well, Janice and I (and Mike after I called him and told him to turn around) headed on up to the correct location. We sat down, had some food and some great conversation. Janice and I have decided that we really miss Jeannine and she either needs to move back here or we all need to go to Colorado...I prefer the latter!
Dan showed up with the boys about an hour later. My husband (Mr. Wonderful of course!) brought the camera and shot some photos for us. Here are some of the results:
Liam being shy...
Aidan, his normal self!
"So Big"
This photo requires no discription...
Jeannine, Janice, and Jennifer - The J Crew!
The crew!
...and finally, a video of Liam saying a few words for us. You can hear Jeannine in the back with a combination New York and Nebraska accent...
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