Wednesday, June 15, 2005

The Real Trouble

What I thought was an ulcer turns out to be something much different but the 'fun' finding out what it is really is the real story. Let me recap...

So I go to the doctor and she says "ulcer" so here are some pills that cost you $150 per fill and I want yodu to go see a gastroendro...too long of a name for me to even type out...for a test that I can only tell you the acronym for...EDG (or was it EGD....). Anyway, so I go to have this test thing done and basically, they stick a tube thing down your throat to check out your esophogus and the entrance to your tummy. Before you gag on your own saliva, they do put you under for this test so you don't have to know that they are doing it. However, I managed to somehow wake up when they were pulling it out but I couldn't open my eyes...IT SUCKED!! Then, I woke up while they were wheeling me back into recovery. I felt great...for about 2 hours! Then I crashed on the sofa. For the next 2 days, my throat was very very very (I can do this forever) sore! The bad's not an ulcer according to the test. So I was referred for a sonogram the next day. I head to the appointment the next morning and the technician that did the test made no comments but went right to work. I then spent 5 agonizing days waiting for the results. The good news, I have gallstones instead!

I'm relieved to know what it is but I am a bit nervous to find out what happens next. I have been referred to a surgeon and I meet with him on Friday. I know my Mom and my sister have had theirs out as well so it really isn't that big of a deal...but I am just worried about waking up!! I will attempt to keep everyone posted if I can. It's tough when I am not feeling the best to sit around and blog...but after all is said and done, I hope I feel better!

I need to get some laundry and dishes done so C'ya!

1 comment:

Nicky said...

You poor thing! What a month you've had... Get those suckers outta there before they hurt you more. =)