Thursday, February 24, 2005

Back on track...

There are only 2 hours of television that I MUST watch each and every week. '24' is the first that I can't miss. The second, believe it or not, is The OC. It is such a 'girly, soap opera' but it is awesome! For the past couple of weeks, I've been pretty upset at the ending because it wasn't going the way I wanted it to go. Tonight, everything got back to 'normal'. I guess I really can be a girl!

...of course, this weekend I intend to 'cowboy up'. I'm so excited because the forcast for this weekend is in the 50's ~ perfect weather. I am headed up to go horseback riding. Of course, I don't know that I will get to ride Lady simply because I want to make sure she is ready for me and that I am ready for her. In fact, I would much rather Michael be there the first time that I get to ride her so he can see it was a good investment...and I can show off. Since he has to work on Saturday, he won't be able to be there. I am also glad it didn't snow or rain this week. Maybe it will be dry enough that the dogs can go with us and be able to get a little exercise outside. I will take lots of pictures to show off them all!

Well...the dirty dishes and sleep are calling me...I just need to decide which to do first...

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