A few storms and the fact that Mike was getting a ton of calls from work kept us close to the house today. We decided in the middle of the afternoon to cross the bridge down the hill from us and hike the nature trail along the river to Deckers.
We ended up with some fantastic views of Trumbull. This first one is our house:
Behind us in all of the clouds is Scraggy Peak. Notice we are both wearing rain jackets; it started pouring on us as it has been the past few days. We didn't let that stop us from finishing our hike though!!

Finally, I couldn't resist the temptation to take a close-up photo of a wild flower:
We stopped at the Decker's store from an ice cream and then headed back to the house along the road. This is only ONE of the trails we can take in our neighborhood. I look forward to our next opportunity to explore what we have right outside our door!
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