Friday, January 20, 2006

Home on Friday Night

So with Michael being in Toledo, Ohio another week, I am spending another Friday at home with the dogs and my computer. What does one do with this sort of time? You wash the dog of course! Seriously...I got home this evening, and the little boy just stunk it up! Near as I can tell, he climbed into the kitty box and rolled around. Okay, maybe not...but it sure smelled TERRIBLE!! So, the two of us climbed into the shower and began the cleaning process. If I had pictures of this, you would certainly laugh it up. We rinse...we lather...we rinse again. The entire time, he has this look on his face of "Awe I really have to take a bath??". Then, we climb out...we shake...we dry...we shake...we dry...then we get out the blow dryer and dry some more. Topos never really dries completely in this manner because his hair is sooooo thick. However, it is fun to watch his reaction to the hair's not fun in his opinion. I don't torture him in the end with bows in his hair or anything...he just gets mad because he can't go outside until he dries...Now he is lying on the flat as he can be...just looking at me...waiting...waiting...waiting....

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