Monday, September 01, 2008

More Like Home...

I know it is Labor Day and the point of the day is not to labor. However, I spent the day making this house look more like our home. I have pretty much unpacked every box that I am going to unpack. The rest of our is either in the storage space in the basement or in the garage (which is a project for another day!). I decided I would show Mom and Dad just what it looks like with our stuff somewhat organized. The rest of you will have to come out and visit!

Our office/living room in the lower level.

The dining room. Notice the new place mats I picked up at a garage sale (they are leaves!)

Living room - no sofa yet - but if you know of a nice one cheap, I'm game!

The bedroom. No bedside tables other than tv trays. Again, if you know of any...

Another bedroom view...

Lots of pieces missing but this house is much bigger than our last one so it is a little more difficult to fill it. The good news is that Mike is working and so we are slowly getting ourselves back out in front. We simply must remember that all that we have means nothing compared to the gift of Jesus Christ! All that I have belongs to God!

I'm going to go play around with some scrapbooking.


1 comment:

Connie said...

Thanks, Jen. Can hardly wait to travel out again soon to see all that you have done. Glad to hear Mike has found work.