Friday, September 07, 2007

The Vacation Lives On!

After visiting Bothwell Lodge, we headed on further South to Warsaw, Missouri. Warsaw sits just off of the Truman Lake area in the Ozarks. Mike's mom lived not far from Warsaw when he was much younger; before the dam and Lake was completely finished. As you cross the river in the middle of town, you notice that there is a very narrow walking bridge; a swinging bridge if you will. Mike remembers driving across it when he was very young. If you look at the pictures, I think you will agree that is just plain crazy!

View up the River from the swinging Bridge.

Mike is looking for fish over the edge; yes...he sees some - he always does!

View back toward land.

After the fiasco of trying to find a camp site, we set up camp. This was the most perfect set-up we have ever had with this tent. We were concerned about setting it up on gravel and driving the stakes in; however, I think the stakes were in the best this one time.

Mike setting up the tent.

The only thing about big parks for camping is that the dogs have to be chained up while in the parks. Neither one of them really care to be chained up all that much. However, they did very well. In fact, by the end of the weekend, we weren't keeping them on there all the time - they were too tired to do much of anything any way!

Sedona watches as Paw Paw sets up the tent.

Topos enjoys the sunset from the camp site.

The tent up and the sun going down, we build a fire and call it a night.

I would post more but I really need to get to work...


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