Sunday, June 10, 2007

The Mewes Family

It's Sunday and I have had a full day of cleaning, mowing, and hanging out (very little of the hanging out - although we did watch an Indy-car race). The house once again looks like somewhere you would want to live!

As promised, I do have some photos from horseback riding yesterday. I also have videos but I am still working on getting those loaded on so I will have to share those a little later on in the week. For now, you will have to settle for the Mewes Family Photos. I'm on Lady and Mike is sitting on Jet. He rode for a while but his back and feet don't let him stay up for long. He has to fight the urge to run the horse because it would do too much damage. Some day, we will find him a horse he can ride and not have to worry about the pain he will feel afterward.

Maybe I will just have to use one of these on my our next Christmas card!

Well, I have to write a paper for class. I need to get on it.


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