Friday, June 08, 2007

I'm home

Last night at about 4:00 in the morning, the storms finally made it into Springfield. It sounded to me like someone was RIPPING the roof off of the place. I got up out of bed and looked out the window - nothing but lightning and noise. I went back to bed and that was the end of it - well, not the kept going, but I was sound asleep! I rolled out of bed at about 7:00 and started the day.

The rest of the day was very uneventful. The drive back was boring as usual.

When I got home, Mike had spent the day cleaning the house (thank you honey!) and trimming all the bushes in the yard. There were piles of sticks and trees in the yard! I put on my gloves and started loading them all into the bed of the truck. We didn't get them all in there! We still have piles of sticks in the middle of the yard but it looks so much better. I can already visualize the rock garden and bird feeding area...some day when I have all sorts of money...

We are now at Kent and Kim's. We need to unload the bed of the truck but it's too dark out there now. Tomorrow morning, we are suppose to be horseback riding...I'm pretty excited. Mike brought the camera so I will try and post some photos!

Well, going to go socialize now.


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