Monday, April 16, 2007

Follow Up to Enough Said

I guess enough has not been said...

Whitlock appears on “Oprah”
The Kansas City Star Sports columnist Jason Whitlock, whose columns on talk-show host Don Imus have garnered national attention, was featured on Monday’s “The Oprah Winfrey Show”.
He will appear on the show again Tuesday.

Whitlock has appeared on numerous news and talk shows in the past few days after his Wednesday column that addressed Imus’ recent racist comments about the members of the Rutgers women’s basketball team. He was a guest Thursday on MSNBC’s “Tucker” show and on CNN’s “Anderson Cooper 360.” Friday morning he spoke with the Rev. Al Sharpton on CNN and appeared on the “Today” show.

Why do I even bother turning on the news? I mean - for a couple of weeks now all we have heard about is this Imus crap. I DON'T CARE! So he made some nasty comments. SO WHAT?!? People are DYING! Can we maybe refocus on President Bush's plans in Iraq? Ugh!!

Okay...I'm done. I'm going to go back to watching the news now...


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