Tuesday, January 10, 2006


I went to bed last night at 10...I watched the clock...10:05...10:15...10:45...and so on all night long. I got out of bed around 5:30 from boredom. I left a message for Jeannine to let her know that I had not been to bed and that I was not feeling ALL THAT. I sat down in the chair and slept until about 8:30. Then, feeling a little better and thinking that sitting at home all day would not be that exciting, I headed in to work. I made it a total of 3.5 hours before I thought I was going to die. I came home and slept for the rest of the afternoon. I wish I could say better at this point in time...and I guess I do...but I still don't feel much like doing anything. I hope this goes away pretty soon. I HATE being sick...if I'm going to take a day off, I much prefer a 'well' day.

I'm going to try and get some food down the gut and see how it goes...7-Up is going down so far so good...


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