Sunday, May 15, 2016

Thank You for the Music!

A few years ago, my relationship with my husband was simply "being". No relationship. We were like two strangers living under one roof.  Until one day, God spoke directly to me through a very good friend.  He said, "Come to me child, I will do the rest." I began to seek Him. I wanted a relationship with Him to help fill the void of relationship I felt from my husband. I began listening to online messages and diving into His word. One day, I happened across a Red Rocks Church podcast. As with most people, I was thoroughly entertained yet enlightened by the words. I could NOT stop listening.  Before long, I had listened to every message offered and craved more. I kept telling my husband about the church and that I thought we should go check it out. Then one Sunday, while driving, he asked if we should go to Red Rocks Church and check it out. We pull into the lot at Heritage Square, walk up the huge hill through a creepy theme park, and enter a big red barn to worship. To say we were both skeptical is an understand end. Then the music began...we were hooked!!  Brinnae had the voice of an angel and Tyler let the worship with such conviction that when the music stopped, I was sad and longing for more!  The message was (of course) exactly what we needed to hear and helped to put us on the path we needed to be on (it was of course the relationship series and it was about raising your white flag in surrender) but then the music began again and we knew we were HOME! We both walked out that day feeling refreshed and renewed. As time has passed and the church has grown, we have kept following Brinnae. God has put a calling on your heart and we cannot follow you to Brussels so we are going to say THANK YOU FOR THE MUSIC!  Your music kept us attending and growing in our relationship with God and each other (the messages of course helped, but because of you, we always kept going back for more) always leaving feeling refreshed and renewed.  I really hope that Red Rocks does some LIVE from Brussels so we can have our cups refilled every once in a while.

Good Luck to you both & Thank You for the music!

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Is there a doctor in the house??

Why do us humans insist on being tough? Why is it that when we fall down, we get up looking around to see if anyone was watching and actually saw us hit the ground? Is it fear? If so, what are we afraid of? We are so caught up in the comparison game, that I think we are afraid another human will judge us as less than perfect if they see we have fallen. We get up and brush it off saying we are okay and then we limp away to go lick our wounds in private. Trouble with that is that if we are really hurt, the reality of our injuries isn't known until we are alone and can't get help. We then suffer in silence.  WELL STOP IT!! Who cares that you fell? You are hurt and bleeding so speak up! What if that other person who saw you fall is a nurse or a doctor who can help heal you? Isn't that worth swallowing your pride and saying something?

Monday, May 11, 2015

The Rising River

**At the Forever conference last week, I was given a beautiful journal to wrote 'my story' in so this is the first entry in my journal after all of the conference notes #rrcforeverconf15 :

Normally a stream...
Yesterday morning on my way to church, I watched all along the river; the water rising. A week's worth of rain and a Winter's worth of snow melt has brought the level up to raging from a slow and steady flow. It is a part of Spring living along the South Platte River. South of our house, the South Platte and the North Fork of the South Platte converge together. As I pass the confluence, I see a group of Search and Rescue folks fully geared up practicing rescues in the rising water. 

Suddenly, it hit me; there is a correlation between what I am witnessing and how God works in our lives. Sometimes, we need flood waters to rise so WE can learn how to save a life! Those Search and Rescue people cannot just jump into a raging river and hope to save someone from being swept away. They must learn how to do it through classroom teaching and then simulations. However, the BEST way to practice is by putting their skills to the test in real life scenarios; the kind that can only be tested when the waters are fully raging! So it is as well with God. Sometimes we have to go through things in this life that are just plain scary! Yet, it is in those really rough waters of life where we learn to lean on Him and build up our skills so that in the future, we might save a life. Just like a Search and Rescue team, we never know when our learning will be put to the test so we must practice to prepare but without real-life situations, we might not know what needs to be done.

Thank you God for the 'rising rivers' in life that prepare me to be a 'warrior chick' for your army to build your eternal kingdom!